Preparation is the key to survival
We help our clients by starting with a review of your current status and all elements to establish flexibility whist prioritising actions in line with your desired outcome
Our recent findings on how to move forward in a changed business landscape
Our discussions with businesses revealed that many are realising the need to adapt; both their ‘offer’ and how they internally process, due to the changed business environment.
How do you avoid solving the wrong problem?
How can we alleviate the effects of enforced change on our own business?
A new normal will exist, if you can define yours, you have a far better chance of survival!
Why manufacturing process works for all types of business
“Those who know me; also know I am a “Lean” advocate and have been for a number of years. Why? - Because it works on so many levels whatever business you run”
Take the well-known manufacturing Kanban process for example. “KAN-BAN” meaning Kan - Visual and Ban - card
This is my ‘go to’ method; when reducing Turn-around Time (TAT) inventory and increasing process effectiveness (PE).